Overall easy interface will come back after more preparation of the online test
Rida Naqvi
Verified owner
Rated 4 out of 5
Easy is easy but unfortunately failed this attempt. The interface is easy to understand. I wish if could get some more time…
Shayan Abbasi
Verified owner
Rated 4 out of 5
Despite not achieving the desired score, the convenience and user-friendly interface of the online exam allowed me to learn valuable things and I will come back after more preparations and hope can qualify next time.
Syed Imran Haider
Verified owner
Rated 5 out of 5
Great platefrom for the new freelancers. Thanks for inviting me to take a test! Hope I will qualify the exam.
Saad Naseer
Verified owner
Rated 5 out of 5
Find this website trustworthy so, going to scheudle my exam right now!
Overall easy interface will come back after more preparation of the online test
Easy is easy but unfortunately failed this attempt. The interface is easy to understand. I wish if could get some more time…
Despite not achieving the desired score, the convenience and user-friendly interface of the online exam allowed me to learn valuable things and I will come back after more preparations and hope can qualify next time.
Great platefrom for the new freelancers. Thanks for inviting me to take a test! Hope I will qualify the exam.
Find this website trustworthy so, going to scheudle my exam right now!